Join Us – Translating


The majority of our projects do not have furigana.

  • Able to translate the sound effects into romaji and then explain what it is, either in the English sound effect equivalent or in a few words (proofers will help you with the trickier ones). If you love your editors, give them both :)


There are several ways to make a script but this is our perfered way:

  • Use names for who is speaking. If the character doesn’t have a name, describe the person.
  • Use (small text) after the character’s name for small text side comments.
  • Use a TAB, // or several spaces when text goes across connected bubbles.
  • If the text isn’t in a speech bubble, describe where it is on the page.
  • Use page numbers in relation to the image’s filename, not the page number on the manga. For the covers just use Cover or Back Cover.

Pg 006:

Floating text — Text that’s not inside bubbles, boxes, etc.

Text in box — Text that’s inside a box.

Sfx: Zaaaaaaa (water falling / rain)
Sfx: Fu (chuckle)

Akira: What the hell are you doing?!
Akira (small text): Idiot.
arrow – Easily annoyed.

Akira: This is the first bubble. // This is the second bubble.
Akira: This is the first bubble. This is the second bubble.